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I dont wanna miss a thing

I have a friend who's son just started high school (we both agree a time that we would never want to re-experience)
I have a friend who's daughter is in Jr. High (ditto the above sentiment yet not as bad)
I have several friends who's children have attended overnight summer camp already.

I cannot even imagine the day that my boys will ever be old enough for these milestones. Sure, I know, time flies and all that but my two just spent the last hour arguing over a stool at McDonald's and who gets to keep the race car toy from the Happy Meal. I just cant imagine there to be a day when they dont need me all of the time.

Youngest started soccer class today and Oldest starts one on Saturday. I wanted to sign Oldest  up for the town league but was afraid he would be behind and not have fun. I think the smaller class right now is the way to go. So here my boys are just learning soccer while my other friends are attacking issues like homework, dating and "where do I fit in?" (Side note I finally am paving the way to my much wanted title of "soccer mom" instead of "therapy mom")

I don't wish these years away. The innocence, less pressure, snuggles and lots of giggles. I dont want the days to speed up.
I dont want to miss a thing.
Except the whining..
I do want to miss the whining
