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It's offical--

Youngest is back in preschool so now I officially have 2.5 hrs of alone time 4 mornings/wk. By the time I get back home from dropping him off we're really down to 2 hrs (give a few minutes of talking to other mom's and now doing some PTO stuff)
2 hrs. Seems like a lot.
It's not.
Trust me.
I have time to shower, hop on the computer, do a quick errand and ...well, time to pick up again. 2.5 hrs. Gone in a blink of an eye.
I hold onto the fact that in 362 days from now I will have TWO children in Elementary school for over 6 hrs/day ..FIVE DAYS A WEEK! I can't even begin to imagine the possibilities of what I will do with that time. If I'm not down my 10 pregnancy lbs by then, honestly, just re-enlist me in Jenny Craig bc there will be no more excuses left.
So you would think that I would be less stressed today due to my 2.5 hrs of relaxation. I'm not.
Jeremy came out of school happy yet extremely whiny (aka overtired and in need of a nap. I know. My 4 yr old still naps. Some may be in shock..others are just plain envious)
Oldest also..happy yet...short fused with Youngest's actions. Cant really blame the kid. Youngest does mess with his stuff a lot. Grabs toys, dictates the way he should play, etc but Jared, due to language delay often whines instead of yelling at him (I'd rather the latter, trust me). I've threatened twice so far in the last 10 minutes that I will throw their magnet building thingamajigs in the garbage.

5 minutes till we get dear husband at the train. I'm throwing the boys at him, putting on my IPOD and going for a serenity walk.
