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Sleep- or lack thereof

I haven't slept in days. Although that should be nights. Why do we not say I haven't slept in nights? It doesn't sound right yet maybe I'm the only one who doesn't say that.
I awoke at 1AM and stared at the clock for the next 4 hours.
My insomnia took the better of me and I swear my Ambien was replaced with a placebo. In the interim I thought of sporadic issues.
In no random order:
What time will Oldest' van (aka "short bus") drop him off when he starts going full days in two weeks. He ends school at 245 and I think will be last to get dropped off. That makes a long day for a 6 yr old who then needs to face an afternoon of therapies. Note to self to talk to New Michelle about that on Monday (New Michelle is the new Gretta who was Oldests' bus driver last yr. I loved Gretta. Felt my child was safe. I hope Michelle gives me the same vibe)
Looked at clock again. Yup, I was still awake.
Obsessed about the scratchiness in my throat and the lack of breathing I was doing through my nose.
Went in to check on Youngest x3 after he couldn't stop coughing.
Listened to my husband snore. And snore. The only noise I can hear when falling asleep is the fan or a TV, anything else makes me obsess on the noise and therefore, not be able to fall asleep. Snoring at the top of my list.
Obsessed about what to blog about today.
2AM went downstairs to sleep on family room couch. Got nervous because there are so many windows and I didn't feel like closing them. Kept imagining someone was looking in. Moved to the study.
Heard husband's snoring from downstairs so went upstairs to then close the door.
Worried about last minute things to pack for our day trip to Baltimore on Sunday (yes, day trip for my niece's bat mitzvah. Leaving at 6AM getting home at 830pm. Should make a fun day of travel with two young boys and sure to be cranky mother)
Am now convinced my Ambien is a placebo since we are on hour 3 of being awake.
Decided to blog about my lack of sleep.
Should make fascinating reading..
You be the judge
