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Happiness is..

I was just telling my friend that there's nothing better than getting your two (or more) kids to nap at the same time. Which made me think of the Charlie Brown song "Happiness is.." (Remember from "You're a good man Charlie Brown") Which then made me think of my next post on ....
Happiness is...
Sleeping late
The smell of homemade cookies baking in my oven
Watching my six year old drive his Electric Cadillac Escalade around like he has been driving since he came out of the womb (really, he's THAT good)
Reconnecting with an old friend
my boys laughing
Chocolate, of any sort
fuzzy slippers and a big sweatshirt on a cold winters day
falling in love
A good foot massage
knowing a trivia answer
and to quote Charlie Brown "walking hand in hand"
